“The Kings visit to Kilkenny 1904”. Speaker Eileen Larkin BA (Member KAS), on Friday 23rd January 2009 at Rothe House at 8pm. All are very welcome.
Author Archive | kkap
INSTAR awards for 2009 delayed due to budget crisis!
Notice has been given by the Heritage Council that the INSTAR budgets are being reviewed by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government. Accordingly, the Heritage Council are not in a position to announce the awards yet for 2009.
Group for Irish Historic Settlement conference March 2009
The programme for the GSIHS conference March 6th-8th has just been announced. The theme is ‘Farming Systems and Settlement’ and David Edwards will be presenting a paper with Kilkenny interest: ‘Grazing lands in the Ormond territories’. The programme can be downloaded here.
The Irish Thatch House: A Kilkenny thatcher’s perspective, Friday 16th January
AN TAISCE, KILKENNY ASSOCIATION Friday 16 January 2009, 8.00pm, Butler House, Kilkenny. ‘The Irish thatch house; a Kilkenny thatcher’s perspective’. –an illustrated talk by Jimmy Lenehan. In 1994 Jimmy Lenehan did a survey on the thatched houses of Kilkenny for KEB/ KCC, when he photographed and described all 111 thatched structures that he identified in […]
Extraordinary revelations at Lyrath
Watch Mr. Luca provide a stunning presentation on the excavation of a Bronze Age ring-ditch at Lyrath in 2007. This was one of over a hundred excavations that took place in advance of the construction of the N9 motorway through Kilkenny.